This series of rollerballs was created from a wide assortment of exotic woods from around the globe. These postable rollerballs are created from woods such as Teak, Mango, Red Mallee Burls and Desert Ironwood. If you are looking for something a bit more historic or something with a great story, then consider one of these pens created from wood that is 5400 years old such as Ancient Bog Oak, or even 50000 year old wood from New Zealand like Ancient Kauri! Each pen is finished with titanium gold plate and has the ability to post the cap onto the barrel for those who prefer a different balance. The Algonquin uses a readily available Schmidt rollerball refill for a smooth, long lasting experience. Each pen comes presented in a beautiful leather gift box.
Like this style of pen but looking for something a little different? JWI can change the pen's material with any one of hundreds of different colours of acrylics, woods, or other unique materials.